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08/28/2014 Executive News

Executive News

Hello all,

This is just a quick note to thank those of you that participated in the video conference with Dr. DiPietro, Linda Harig and me on Monday. Your effort to attend on a short timeline is appreciated.

Some of you may have come with few expectations. Others of you may have expected much more information than we were able to share with you Monday. The purpose of the follow up visits that Linda and I are working to schedule will be to share specifics relative to the needs assessment that the HR team conducted. We will also share more information about upcoming plans in response to the information you provided. Please be prepared to ask any questions you have. Any additional dialogue will be welcomed.

This morning (Wednesday) I was able to meet with the HR team that conducted the interviews with you. The main purpose of our meeting was for them to give me a deeper understanding of the issues they heard from you. Beyond that though, each one shared with me the pride you expressed in the work you do and the passion you have for serving our customers. Seeing that first hand is something to which I look forward.

I hope to see you soon. Meanwhile, I’ll be glad to hear from you if you would like to visit by email or phone.

Take care,


Dr. Herb Byrd, III

(865) 386-5656 (mobile)

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