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08/26/2002 Executive News

Executive News

Flora Williams- Over 30 years ago, on August 31, 1972, Flora came to work in the MTAS Nashville office. I'm sure she knows, but the rest of us have lost count of the number of consultants she has worked with and helped over the years. For that matter, during the last 30 years, she's helped us move the office several times. Today, Flora is announcing her retirement effective September 30. We'll all miss her. The only real advantage I can see is that Flora doesn't have to move the office again. The Nashville office will never be the same.

Fire Grants - Ray Crouch reports that only 25% of the money has been awarded and Tennessee Fire Departments have already received $2.9 million. This is more than we got in total for FY 2001. Ray had a personal goal to get $10 million in grants for TN. At this rate, we will meet or exceed this goal. For more information see this web site:

Richard L. Stokes, President - You've seen the copy of the newsletter that Rick forwarded and we all need to congratulate Rick on being elected President of the Southern Region of the International Personnel Management Association for the 2002-2003 term.

CGT and Training - We're working to develop a transition plan for training. It's not ready yet, but we're working on it.

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