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08/25/2003 Executive News

Executive News

Interim UT President - We're all glad that Joe Johnson is serving as the interim UT President. This should get UT off the front page for a while.

368.gif Supervisory Training - Mike, Sharon, Lisa, Sally, Frances, Steve, Nancy, and I will be attending a special version of UT's training for supervisors, "Supervision 20/20," that IPS is conducting for all supervisors in IPS. Our first session is Thursday and Friday in Nashville. This is only the first of three sessions so you may not see any dramatic improvements immediately.
Jackson Management Consultant position - We are resuming our search for this position. We will start with placing several advertisements. We should be able to do the interviews by the middle of October and have someone start by December 1. At that time Ronnie and David will be able to stop doing the double duty they have performed since October 2002.

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