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08/24/2004 Executive News

Executive News

Project Reporting - Remember to close out all FY04 projects by Friday.

Cell Phones - It's important for us to be available to each other and to our customers. Cell phones help IF:
1. You keep yours ON the entire time you are either in or out of the office. Obviously, you'll keep it on vibrate in a meeting and if it is inconvenient to take the call, you can let it roll over to voice mail.
2. You have your voice mail set up and activated. Call Nancy if you need help in getting your voice mail box activated.
3. UT has a new draft policy that should make it easier for us to reimburse you for the use of a private cell phone for UT calls. It should make it possible for many of us to avoid carrying two phones. AND, as soon as it's official and I figure it out, we'll get the word out .

786.gif TCMA Newsletter - Thanks to Margaret TCMA now has an electronic newsletter. It's a good and timely compilation of city information. Copies go to all consultants. Let Margaret know if you'd like to be added to her distribution list or if you find a story that could be included.

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