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08/21/2006 Executive News

Executive News

HR and Personnel Updates - We have so many changes either planned or in process that I thought I should let everyone know where we are. (This may be more than you want to know, but here it is.)

Carolyn Hicks' last day as Administrative Support Assistant II and working the front desk was August 11. We are going to fill in with someone from the UT temporary help pool (as soon as someone is available). In the meantime, we are working to have the position upgraded. We're rewriting the PDQ and will submit it for review soon.

Yana Truman's last official day as Administrative Specialist II in the training department is August 31. She will take her accumulated leave and her last day in the office will be Friday, August 25. Sandy Selvage has transferred from the codes team to the training team and will replace Yana. She will be working partly for training and partly for codes as we work to fill Sandy's position in codes.

We added a new position to codes in this year's budget. Nancy Gibson (who worked in codes about a year ago) accepted our offer and will start September 1 as Administrative Specialist II. Now, with Sandy's transfer we will still have one vacancy in codes.

We added a new HR consultant position in Knoxville. That position has been listed and we are accepting applications.

We added a new legal consultant position in Nashville. We are just about to list that position.

We modified one of the training support positions to make it a Training Coordinator. We are just about to list that position. This position will coordinate classes, locations, and instructors for all our training offerings. This position will also assist with curriculum development.

Bill has resigned as finance consultant effective the end of September. We are about to conduct an "internal recruitment" for this position. Our intention is to transfer Al to Bill's slot. That's one finance consultant position to another. Then, we will conduct a recruitment for Al's finance consultant position - it primarily deals with the benchmarking and performance measurement project.

Let me know if you have any questions. We have a lot going on in our HR department at the moment.

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