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08/21/2001 Executive News

Executive News

TML - This Weekly Staff Update is a day late because we had a meeting with TML Monday afternoon. In fact, we had a roomful. Our meeting included: Tom Ballard, Rae Bond, Ross Loder, Cindy Avans, Randy Williams, Mary Taylor, Ron Gibson, Bob Schwartz, Mike Tallent, and Sharon Rollins. Deb Tobey served as facilitator. Our purpose was to review much of the relationship between TML and MTAS. We spent some time planning the upcoming TML policy committee meetings on October 18. We also discussed how we can help TML more during the legislative session by reviewing all the bills as they are introduced. We discussed, but were unable to resolve, the state's revenue problems. And we spent some time talking about how CGT could do more with TML. All in all it was a very good meeting, helped, in part, by the time the management had spent separately with TML and with IPS the previous week.

Reallocation Plan - The management team is continuing to work on our financial reallocation plan. As it's changing almost every day, we don't have a final plan yet.

September staff meetings and MTAS advisory committee meetings - Please note these changes:
The Jackson staff meeting originally scheduled for Wednesday, September 12 will now be held at 9:30 on Tuesday, September 18 with the advisory committee meeting at 11:30 at Baudo's.
The Nashville staff meeting originally scheduled for Thursday, September 13 will now be held at 9:30 on Wednesday, September 19 with the advisory committee meeting scheduled at 11:30 (we're trying to have this meeting in the new library).
The Knoxville staff meeting originally scheduled for Friday, September 14 will now be held at 9:30 on Thursday, September 20 with the advisory committee meeting scheduled at 11:30 upstairs in the conference center.

DCA water and wastewater contract - Bill Young has wrapped up the quarterly reporting to TDEC/DCA for the year of July 2000 to June 2001. Just for your information the yearly summary is :

Year FY2001 FY2000
Total Projects 892 550
# of consultants involved 25 19
Total economic impact to cities $941,756 $586,464

Bill states: "Not every project is a city project, however this are still significant numbers. I think we have two reasons for the increase; one is the new project reporting - I believe we are getting more projects reported, especially the smaller ones and two I believe we have had some increase in activity." I want to express my thanks to Bill, Steve, and Brett. The numbers have gone up, but more important, the service to cities has improved.

Dr. Hobday - Armintha, Sid, and I spent part of last Friday morning visiting with Dr. Victor Hobday in his home. Dr. Hobday became our first management consultant in 1950. He left to become city manager of Waxahachie, Texas. Soon, though, he was called back to become our second executive director and he stayed in that position from 1952 until 1980. He is 86 years old, but still keeps up with the news in the state. He recently wrote to his state senator expressing support for an income tax. He asked me how we're faring financially and I assured him that we will weather the storm somehow. But, frankly, with people like Vic looking out for us, I'm sure we'll be fine.

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