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08/21/2000 Executive News

Executive News

July Break - We didn't do one of these in July. So, ask me what I did on my vacation and we can trade stories.

TML policy committees - TML is revising and reviving the policy committees this year. Each committee will have a three person staff composed of two MTAS consultants and one TML staff member. Here is a chart with all the MTAS staff listed. Please start thinking about legislative issues that you think should be presented for the committee to discuss and forward them to one of the MTAS staff members on the committee. Instead of meeting with the TML staff later in the year to make legislative suggestions, we are going to try to make all our suggestions in "white papers" to be submitted to the committees.

Also, now is the time to submit nominations for membership on the committees to TML.

Committee MTAS Staff TML Staff (tentative)
Community Development (will not cover Chapter 1101, that will be handled by a special Chapter 1101 committee). Don Darden & Gary Jaeckel Ross Loder
Environment Sharon Rollins & Steve Wyatt Cindy Avans
Finance Ralph Cross & Dick Phebus Ross Loder
General Administration Mike Tallent & Jeff Minor Randy Sanders
Public Safety Rex Barton & Ray Crouch Cindy Avans
Telecommunications and Electric Deregulation Jim Finane & Warren Nevad Suzette Denslow
Transportation John Chlarson & Anne Gilbert ecblank.gif
Here's the meeting schedule:

Wednesday, September 6 in Nashville 10 - 1 All MTAS and TML staff meet to review the policy process.

Thursday, October 19 - All policy committees meet.

Thursday, November 16 - TML Legislative committee will meet. All of us won't have to be there, but some might.

Thursday, December 14 - We'll have our second annual TML/MTAS staff legislative preview session.

Library Design Team - The management team has appointed a Library Design Team. The members are: Frances, Jeff, Don, Anne, and Rick. It's purpose is to clarify the role of the MTAS Library in supporting the mission and goals of the MTAS organization. The team will prepare an interim report by the end of September and a final report by the middle of November. If you any suggestions for improving or changing library services, please let one of the team members know.

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