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08/18/2009 Executive News

Executive News


I am pleased to announce that we have selected Gary Petree as the new MTAS Training Program Manager. Gary brought a wealth of experience to MTAS when he took the job of training consultant and has done an excellent job since taking that position. We were fortunate to have a strong group of applicants, which on one hand made the selection process easier in knowing we would be well served regardless of our choice, but on the other hand it made the selection difficult in trying to pick from such a strong and competitive pool. In the end, it was Gary’s vision for the future of MTAS training that was the deciding factor.

Gary will not actually assume his new position until the second full week in October. Between now and then he and Izetta will be working on the transition. I know this is an announcement about Gary, but I also want to thank Izetta for giving us such an extended notice, which has allowed us to recruit the new Training Manager and provide for a smooth transition.

In the next few days, please take a few minutes and congratulate Gary on his new job.


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