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08/18/2003 Executive News

Executive News

TML Policy Committees - The TML policy committees will meet October 9 in Nashville. If you have any suggestions for policy recommendations, please get them to Mike in the next two weeks. We have assigned MTAS consultants to staff each policy committee and Mike will make sure they get your recommendation to carry forward to the committee.

466.gif Annual Code Updates - Last month Sandy broke her old record! We shipped code updates to: Tracy City, Rockford, Kingston, Camden, Maryville, Bluff City, White Pine, Elizabethton, Crossville, Sevierville, Morristown, and Pulaski. That's 12 in one month!
Employee Charges for Health Insurance - You have received an email on this already, but I thought you might want to see these two summaries of the increases. The cost is going up. Please see Nancy if you have any questions.
Group Insurance Changes to be Effective January 1, 2004 - Employee Notification.doc
Group Insurance Changes to be Effective January 1, 2004 - Employee Notification.doc
Summary of Premiums - 2003 to 2004.xls
Summary of Premiums - 2003 to 2004.xls

3DCE.gif VIRUS! - The Knoxville campus and MTAS in Knoxville were hit hard by the "lovesan" virus last week. This virus shut down several systems including the Maryland Division of Motor Vehicles. We had 15 infected computers and the campus had over 700. The campus network staff turned off or isolated the routers in time to prevent it from getting to our network in the rest of the state. Lisa spent almost full time from Tuesday afternoon on fixing all our affected machines. THANKS.

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