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08/16/2007 Executive News

Executive News

Another recruitment - We are about to start recruiting for a new management consultant position. We have ten now counting Mike. The new management
consultant will work from the Knoxville office and will be assigned Mike's territory (although we may rearrange territories some).

Mike will transfer his cities to the new consultant. We are going to rearrange his job so that instead of working about 200% of a job we can get
it down to 110% or 120%. I'm asking Mike to concentrate on several areas: issue and prospective legislation coordination with TML, the new
certified municipal finance officer program, continue to work with economic development and the state Economic & Community Development department
(including the three-star program), coordinate work among all the consultants who report to him, work particularly to integrate Randy's work
as research consultant with our other resources, work with whatever the next new program is and, finally, continue to help me when my in-basket
is boiling over.

All of this will change gradually. The advertisement for the management consultant should be issued by the end of next week. Everything else
will occur over the next several months.

Let me know if you have any questions. And, please encourage anyone you can think of to apply.

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