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08/13/2018 Executive News

Executive News


Good Monday Afternoon MTAS,

I hope you are doing well and are having a super Monday so far.

Did you know that there is a new mustard plant coming to Tennessee? I just couldn’t help myself, and had to include this news snippet from the Tennessee department of Economic and Community Development’s newsletter.


For the new folks who may not understand why I call it the Mustard, first is the link to the IPS Catchup – Ketchup. I just kept the condiment theme going. More importantly however, I believe that MTAS cuts the mustard. The origins of this saying are debated, but the meaning according to Webster’s New World College Dictionary is “to succeed, have the ability to do something, to come up to expectations.”

Okay, on to the week in review. Last week was unusual in that I was in the office every day. So, what did I do with that time? I had several customers call me (this was a bit rare), TT&C called to schedule an interview with me (I’m looking forward to that), I dealt with a couple of contract issues, read up on and discussed results of the state primary elections and the impact on the state legislature/the state, and had a committee meeting on the upcoming IPS gubernatorial debate (October 16). There was a lot more, but these were the highlights. Another highlight from last week was Richard Stokes’ birthday on the sixth. Happy Birthday Richard!

I have only two more vacation photos to share with you, so if you’d like to participate and you haven’t yet, please do so. I run out of stock after next week… Right now though, Pat was happy to share this picture of his granddaughter Lili fishing in early July at Warrior’s Path State Park in Kingsport. There is pure joy in that smile – thanks for sharing Pat.


I leave you this week with the quote from the white board at the rear of the Knoxville office (by the kitchen). I don’t know to whom to give the credit, but the quote reads: “What people revere they resemble.” – Professor G.K. Beale. If we strive for excellence for our customers, then how many of our customers resemble us?

Have a great week,

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