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08/12/1994 Executive News

Executive News

August 12, 1994

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City of Unicoi - Last week's incorporation election in Unicoi was successful. The first city elections will be in October. Unicoi has a population of almost 3,000 and is in Unicoi County.

In State Conferences - We need your help. I'm not sure you are aware of the steps required to get registration fees prepaid before a conference. We need 30 days to get the form processed and through the Treasurer's Office and mail the check to the conference. I know it seems like a lot of lead time, but that's what is needed.

If the information is not given to Ann Lowe, 30 days before the conference you may still attend, but you will have to pay the registration fee yourself and claim it on your travel form. Also, please remember I need to approve all instate conferences in advance. Sending them to Ann Lowe will accomplish that, because she goes over them with me. Thanks.

MTAS Look-a-like Survey - The library conducted a survey of all organizations we could find that provide similar services to cities. If you are interested in the results, please contact either Carol or Janie Reed.

TML District Meetings - We're enclosing the schedule for the TML District Meetings in November. I'm asking MikeT, Randy, and MikeP to make sure we are represented at each meeting. Thanks.

CTAS-MTAS - The management teams of MTAS and CTAS are going to have a second joint meeting
on September 14. It's our turn to host so Randy has arranged for us to meet in and tour the city hall and city club in Smyrna. We met once before in Cookeville and got to tour the Putnam County Jail. If you have anything you think MTAS and CTAS ought to talk about, please let me know.

CGT-MTAS - Pat Davis, Constance Smith, Becky, and I met recently to review the joint activities of our two agencies. We made two decisions.
1) Constance and Becky will revise both the memo explaining what they are to do as agency liaisons and the memo outlining the relative responsibilities of MTAS and CGT.

2) We appointed a joint committee to develop a policy and method for city retreats. The MTAS committee members are Becky, Joe, Pat, and Ronnie. Let them know if you have any thoughts on retreats.

Changes - Sarah Jenkins has accepted a job with the Graduate School of Information Science.

* Telephone Surveys & Calendars - We've enclosed the latest library telephone surveys. AND the calendars AnnO prepares each month.

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