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08/11/2014 Executive News

Executive News

IPS Staff,

It has been my great honor to serve the Institute for Public Service and the University of Tennessee for 31 years. Among my many roles was my first one as business manager in UTK residence halls, and I thoroughly enjoyed my two years as training consultant in Middle Tennessee working for both cities and counties. Serving as your Vice President has been very rewarding. I am now looking forward to future roles as I retire from the University. I have both health and family issues that need immediate attention and I am fortunate that I can take some time off to manage them before taking on new opportunities.

I have assured President DiPietro that I will assist in a smooth transition to an interim Vice President while he conducts a national search for your next VP. I know you'll hear more from him in the very near future.

I wish you all the very best. I love the University of Tennessee and the Institute for Public Service and the great missions they are accomplishing. We have made significant strides in compensation, performance measurement and continuous improvement over the last decade and I'm proud of the positive trajectory of this great place. I'm especially proud of the great work each of you do for our customers. Your work makes a difference for the citizens of Tennessee.

Of course I'll stay in touch and continue to champion your work. I'm a Vol for Life!



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