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08/11/2014 Executive News

Executive News

IPS Staff,

After 31 years of distinguished service to the University, Dr. Mary Jinks has decided to retire from her position as vice president for public service and head of the Institute for Public Service. Dr. Jinks informed me of her decision earlier this morning and is in the process of sharing the news with her direct reports. As you may know, Dr. Jinks served in various roles of progressive responsibility, concluding in her service as vice president since 2008. I am grateful for the dedication and commitment Dr. Jinks has given to the University in every position she has held, and I wish her the best in taking on health and family matters that influenced her decision to retire at this time.

Dr. Jinks’ retirement is to be effective Aug. 29, and I am considering candidates to serve in the interim. I will make an interim appointment soon, and Dr. Jinks has assured me her assistance with a smooth transition.

I realize the potential impact on you and your colleagues of a change of this degree, and I encourage you to contact me or my office with any questions or concerns you may have. Keeping you informed and engaged as this transition moves forward is my priority.

I am proud of the work IPS does throughout the state, of the ambassadors you are for us with elected officials and IPS clients, and of the significant impact you make on behalf of the University.

All the best,

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