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08/09/2010 Executive News

Executive News

Probably the most important lesson that we have all learned in our careers is that we can never over-communicate, and the need for better and more timely information on the issues of MTAS to the MTAS organization came through with exceptional clarity at the retreat. The attached memorandum serves as the first weekly summary of some of the substantive issues and discussions by the Management Team and staff, and will continue to evolve as we identify timely topics and issues. This will not replace the monthly summary that has been provided in the past, but will focus instead on important issues and discussions that you will hear of or that will impact our work in the very near future. As this evolves I recommend this to you as an important “read”.

Thanks again,


Steven T. Thompson
Executive Director
Municipal Technical Advisory Service
University of Tennessee
(865) 974-9856 Office
(865) 974-0423 Fax

MTAS Update - August 6 2010.pdf
MTAS Update - August 6 2010.pdf

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