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08/08/2014 Executive News

Executive News

Update #9:

This note serves as the bi-weekly update on the work associated with the move of IPS offices to the new building at 1610 University Avenue, in Knoxville. The committee discussions are captured in the SharePoint site at

There are continuing improvements and changes in the project as we move forward, and in brief:

1. We have asked that all staff involved in the move visit and review current furniture and needs. Judie Martin and the Logistics Team will be at the building on Monday Aug. 11th (9-12:30) and Tuesday Aug. 12th (1:30-4:30 pm). All members of the IPS staff to be located in offices with the move should plan to visit the building to view furniture in your future space. You will need to decide if you want to use the existing furniture at the new building, to bring the furniture in your present office with you, or to use some of the other furniture made available with this move and outlined in this paragraph. If you plan to use your present furniture you will also need to determine if it fits in the space available, and the Logistics Team will have tape measures available. We will have post-its for you to place on the furniture presently in the new office space in the new building to indicate which furniture in the new offices that you plan to keep. We assume that any furniture that you don’t use, in either the existing buildings or in the new building, will be made available to other staff, the UT Foundation, and UT-K, in that order, and we have placed a list of Furniture Available on the SharePoint site for your use.

If you are unable to meet on this schedule please work with Jill Marling and through your agency for additional visits.

2. With the changes in architects and issues required by the state the timetable has shifted. The new schedule has the design documents to be completed by the end of August, followed by a state fire marshal review (could be 3 weeks on that), a time for bids to be distributed and received time (about another 3 weeks), and about 90 days for construction. All of that added together really puts the project tentatively into completion in 2015. We are working to firm this up.

3. We have asked that the new architects include the security enhancements (cameras, intercoms, etc.) identified by UTPD in the security review.

4. We have also requested an updated cost estimate. We are working with a limited budget and do want to make sure that the priorities (paint, carpet, limited building improvements, furniture and equipment for the classrooms) are funded before we add further enhancements.

5. We are working to identify someone to help with cubicle configurations, an inventory of existing cubicles, and a plan to integrate our existing cubicles. With the layout that we are discussing this is a tough but very necessary task, and the present timetable requires this to be finalized quickly.

6. We are working through break room issues, and have asked that the plans accommodate vending machines, tables and chairs for the break rooms on both floors.

The members of the project planning teams include the following, and please do contact me or the members of the teams if you have questions or need further information:

Team Lead
Central Office
Team Assignments
Planning Rick Whitehead Susan Robertson Stephanie Allen Renovations/space assignment
Steve Thompson Macel Ely Painting/carpet
Beth Phillips Doug Brown Furniture
Jill Marling
Logistics Judie Martin Gary Peevely Nancy Gibson Parking/signage
Walter Idol P. J. Snodgrass Mail/ID cards
Jane Davis Brett Ward Packing/Moving
Business office Gail White Thaddeus Grace Sherri Brown Files
Dale Wolfe ecblank.gif
IT Scott Gordy N/A Justin O'Hara IT, telephones, equipment, security
Library Frances Adams-O'Brien N/A Becky Smeltzer

Thank you for your service to the university and the state of Tennessee, and I do look forward to a successful move.


Steven T. Thompson
Assistant Vice President
UT Institute for Public Service
105 Student Services Bldg.
Knoxville, TN 37996-0213
865-974-9609 Telephone
239-963-6738 Cell

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