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08/06/2018 Executive News

Executive News


Hey there MTAS,

Good Monday afternoon to you. I hope you all had a restful weekend after the very busy few days of IPS annual conference. I truly enjoyed seeing everyone together, especially on Thursday when we continued our work on the MTAS measures to get us to from good to great, or “excellent.” Your input matters and I look forward to working with the leadership team at the end of the month to take your suggestions and work them into something concrete. You are an amazing group of individuals doing fantastic work for our awesome customers and I’d like everyone to know it too. Your work on Thursday will help make this a reality.

Please allow me to go back to the conference just a bit. MTAS had some award winners that I’d like to recognize: five franklins went to Nancy and Warren; and service awards went to Kay (10), John C. (20), and Armintha (40). The training team was recognized for its efforts in delivering training in Memphis. For this, they received the Project of the Year award. Congratulations to everyone for their successes!

Also, I also want to give kudos to the MTAS staff that engaged the speakers when they asked for questions at the end of their presentations. This demonstrated that you were hearing AND listening AND learning, and that you cared about what the speakers where saying - you showed the speakers respect. All of these actions made me very happy and pleased that you represent the agency so well.

Oh, and I have one more recognition – this one from a customer. I told you about three weeks ago that a customer had bragged on Rex and Melissa. Well, I spoke with the same customer today who felt badly that he had omitted Elisha from his praise. He told me that she filled his request quickly, and that she was thorough and kind. It speaks volumes to me that a customer will go out of his way to not only write a complimentary email, but then make a correction on an omission. You all are rockin’ it, and I well up inside when I hear customers gush over you.

Continuing on with the happy thoughts, I’d like you to celebrate some birthdays with me: Elisha (July 27), and Chris (July 28). We also had some work anniversaries: Dennis and Justin on August 1. Congratulations on reaching new milestones!

Please don’t forget, that if you travel, or if you assist a traveler with reimbursements, that the policies have changed. The $5.00 check in fee is now considered part of meals and incidentals (you can no longer claim it) and receipts are needed on anything over $10. If you need the full description, please see Wes’ email dated August 2, 2018.

A last reminder is to please complete the MTAS retreat survey that Frances sent on August 3. Your comments now will help the next retreat planning committee deliver a strong program next year (just like this committee did this year).

I missed you last Monday because I was vacationing. Sadly, I didn’t get any pictures this trip because I forgot to pack the camera; but I’m happy to share a vacation photo from Abb. This is Jezzie, Collins, and Murphy Bryant as they canoed the Harpeth.


In conclusion, keep up the good work MTAS staff! What you do matters to our customers, and to me, and to the future of the agency. At the conference last week Jeff Lindsey said “excellence is a deliberate act.” I thank you for your wise decisions and deliberate actions.

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