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08/05/2002 Executive News

Executive News

Staff Meetings Cancelled - The staff meetings I had scheduled in Jackson next Tuesday (8/13), Nashville next Wednesday (8/14), and Knoxville next Thursday (8/15) are cancelled. Nothing I had for the agenda is earth shattering enough to justify the expense of the meetings.

TML Board of Directors - The TML board has a called meeting tomorrow to review the details of the contract with Margaret Mahery, the new executive director. I'll attend the meeting.

Professional Development - I will enter approvals and disapprovals into the Professional Development database this afternoon. I'll email you after I complete your requests. We've reduced our out of state travel considerably and we are going to make some reductions in our instate travel to the TML conferences.

Cost Cutting Suggestions- We've received 161 cost cutting suggestions. THANKS. The management team will be working through the list over the next several weeks. And some, such as to reduce the number of staff meetings, we are implementing as we can. At the end of the process, I'll report to each of you on the disposition of your suggestions.

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