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07/30/2001 Executive News

Executive News

Here's an amendment to my staff update. I thought you would be more likely to see it in a separate email. The staff update was getting kind of long.

Personnel - Tomorrow is Donna Leydorf's last day at MTAS. As you know, Donna worked hard to provide great legal assistance to MTAS consultants and Tennessee cities. She certainly gave all of us some great legal advice at the MTAS retreat. She has also done a great job touring the state teaching city officials about records management (she and Sally are teaching at the Cookeville city hall Tuesday). What you may not know is that Donna was instrumental in starting both a Book club and a French club in the Knoxville office. She has made a great impression on all the staff with her warmth and her great sense of humor. She will be missed. Please join me in wishing Donna well in her future endeavors.
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Well, some folks may not have thought I would do three of these in a row, but here it is. Now, we'll see if I can do six in a row.

  • Ms. Becky Smeltzer had her interview with Tom Ballard this morning. She will start as Technical Services Librarian on Monday, August 20.
  • We will interview five people for the position of Systems Analyst in Knoxville on Thursday and Friday.
  • Ann O'Connell has agreed to help with legal research and assistance for the few months while she waits for the results of the Bar Exam. She will be working in the Nashville office and will start as soon as we complete the paperwork.

  • As you've probably heard, Randy Sanders' position has been eliminated at TML. No final date has been set. Dennis Huffer's position at the TML Pool was eliminated last week. Finally, Nathan Ridley is no longer under contract with TML as a lobbyist. TML wanted him to go full-time and Nathan prefers to stay as a contract lobbyist.

  • We mailed thank you letters to 35 city officials who called members of the Legislature last May when our budget was called into question. They were successful in their efforts in that no committee ever took a vote on cutting our budget.
  • At the end of this email is a long list of recent graduates of the City University program. It's working well and we have a lot of graduates. Sally and all the instructors are to be commended.

  • We've submitted this list
    of statistics covering Fiscal Year 2001 to IPS. Thanks for keying in the data (and more importantly, doing the work).

    Staff Meetings
  • We have three staff meetings scheduled for next week. Jackson on Wednesday, Nashville on Thursday, and Knoxville on Friday. All will begin at 9:30 AM. I plan to attend the legislative session Tuesday and if for some reason that lasts more than a day, we may have to cancel these. I won't know until next week.

    City University Graduates List
    Kurt Frederick of CGT recently compiled this list of recent graduates.

    Public Administrator certificate:

    Policy-Maker certificate:


    Elected Officials Academy:


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