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07/29/2015 Executive News

Executive News

Hello all,

I hope everyone is having a great summer! It’s hard to believe that some schools have started back already and, at least for some, summer is over!

Please find attached the list of issues submitted for this round of internal feedback. Special thanks to Sherri Cooper-Duru for compiling the list, and to she and Donna Bridges at CIS for hosting the meeting.

Also, please join me in welcoming Liz Gossett at CTAS as our newest group representative. She replaces Elizabeth Adams.

Thanks to all of you who submitted issues and to your representatives on the committee for their role in this important communication and problem-solving effort. We will get responses out as soon as possible following our meeting tomorrow.

Take care,


Dr. Herb Byrd, III
Interim Vice President


UT Institute for Public Service
1331 Circle Park Drive
Suite 105 Student Services Building
Knoxville, TN 37996-0213

Office (865) 974-1532
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“Bringing creative, trusted, and valued solutions to government and business throughout Tennessee.”

Compiled Internal Feedback July 2015.docx
Compiled Internal Feedback July 2015.docx

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