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07/25/2002 Executive News

Executive News

Annual Leave - I'll be on annual leave next week in sunny (and hot) Myrtle Beach, SC, so this is several days early.

Out of state travel - We're still reviewing all out of state travel. We'll have the results in our professional development database after I get back from vacation.

Copyright material on Web - When you are writing a publication you need to be aware that some of the material on the Internet is copyrighted and needs to be treated the same way you would treat something from a magazine article or a book.

Cost Savings Suggestions - So far, I've received 108 suggestions from about a dozen people. The management team will be reviewing the suggestions over the next several weeks. As you know, we work with some very creative people. We've had some very innovative and helpful suggestions. One side lesson I've learned is that we haven't done as good a job as we could in sharing our financial information with everyone at MTAS. So, after we've reviewed all the suggestions we'll report back on what we plan to implement and will distribute some information about our funding and costs.

As I said last week, we want to lower our cost of operation. Any money we save will be used to fill some of our vacant positions, to implement changes to our salary plan, or be placed in our fund balance to save for a rainy day (or a state budget disaster).

And, if you have another idea, or if you haven't sent me any suggestions, now's the time to send me an email. Thanks for your help.

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