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07/24/2002 Executive News

Executive News

Cost Cutting Suggestions - So far, I've received about 60 suggestions from about 10 people. Some folks have suggested that their suggestions would flow more freely if they were anonymous. With that in mind, Steve Lobertini has volunteered to place a suggestion box in the copy room in the Knoxville office. You may place your suggestions there. Steve will check the box and give me the suggestions. If you are not in the Knoxville office, you could email your suggestions to Steve. He'll scrub your name off the email and send me your suggestions.

Please note, we will not have anyone's name on the suggestions when we adopt any of them. In the end, it becomes the decision of the management team and me about how to best allocate our budget.

I've been encouraged by the quality and the originality of the suggestions received so far. Please keep them coming.


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