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07/23/2018 Executive News

Executive News


Good Afternoon MTAS,

Hey – guess what next week is? It’s IPS annual conference! I am excited to see you all and I’m really looking forward to us continuing our work on the MTAS future of excellence on Thursday (August 2) from 8:00 – 11:00. Remember, we will have breakfast provided. For those who are unsure, the conference is at the Knoxville Downtown Hilton.

Guess what this weekend is? It’s the TN Sales Tax Holiday. If you need to buy some clothes or a home computer/tablet, this is the time to do it to save on the sales tax. Here’s a link the Department of Revenue on the specifics:

I have a few shout-outs to share with you. First are kind words from a customer last week about Melissa and Rex. Adjectives used included “friendly,” genuine,” knowledgeable,” “excellent,” and “quickly.” This individual also shared that “Anytime I’ve interacted with any of your members they have been courteous and professional.” You all make me so happy when I hear comments like this. I know this team rocks and it’s pure joy to hear unsolicited confirmation from a customer. I’d also like to share some kudos I heard from internal customers about Justin for “…traveling around to the MTAS offices all over the state the past couple of months, amongst taking on his normal routine and other special projects he is working on.” I was raised to not be prideful, but I just can’t help myself sometimes. Thank you team for strong work and impressing our customers, both internal and external.

Another source of pride for me are the folks working on the IPS strategic plan. The IPS conference agenda shows that we’ll be talking about this on Wednesday next week. Did you know that we have nine MTASers serving on thirteen committees? Of those nine, four are serving on more than one committee, and of those four, half (yeah, two) are serving as the chair of a committee. MTAS is well represented. Thanks go to (listed alphabetically): Frances Adams-O’Brien, Cyndy Edmonds, John Grubbs, Elisha Hodge, Abb Oglesby, Lisa Shipley, Richard Stokes, Rick Whitehead and Steve Wyatt.

I’d also like you to join me in celebrating a birthday last week for Brad Harris, on July 20. I hope that truly was a Happy Friday for you Brad. Also last week, one of our family members had a one year work anniversary. Congratulations to Paige Edwards! Also worth celebrating is Bethany Weiner’s first day on the job today. Welcome aboard Bethany!

Lastly, I leave you with a couple of vacation photos from Brad. These are both from Jekyll Island – the first is sunrise and the second is sunset. If you’re a beach fan, you’re going to love these pics. I have a few more photos to share from ones that have already been submitted. If you’d like to share, you still have time.


Speaking of vacations, I’m taking a long weekend for a vacation and therefore won’t be able to get a Mustard out on Monday. I’ll catch up with you in Knoxville though! Safe travels to everyone as you make your way to the conference (yep, even if you live in Knoxville).


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