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07/22/2003 Executive News

Executive News

City Reports - Using data from project reporting, we are sending a report to each city detailing the service we provided in FY03. Sloan prepares the reports using a program Lisa had written to extract the data from project reporting. I send the reports to the management consultant for the city for an edit to make sure what we have in the report is correct and makes sense. There are a lot of cities and we're working our way through the alphabet. We mailed the first reports Monday to the A's and B's. Here's a sample of the cover letter and two sample reports.
PR transmittal letter.doc
PR transmittal letter.doc
Brighton Project Report.doc
Brighton Project Report.doc
Alcoa (Project Report).doc
Alcoa (Project Report).doc

1C9E.gif Accounts Receivable
- Charging $20 for training has greatly increased our accounts receivable business. Armintha logs all the checks; Jean prepares the deposit and writes the receipt; and if everyone paid in advance that would be the end of it. Jean follows up on any unpaid bills. The number of checks has gone up so Armintha has many more checks to log. Jean does deposits two or three times a week, but the big change in Jean's job is the amount of time she spends on the phone with folks who haven't paid their bill. She's been very successful in keeping our write-offs to a minimum. Thanks to both Armintha and Jean.

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