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07/21/2010 Executive News

Executive News

Good afternoon,

I am very pleased to join MTAS, and look forward to working with you. On Monday, my first official day with the University, I found out about the (lack of) availability of plentiful parking, received orientation with the University, and enjoyed Melanie’s monster chocolate cake and gelato from Francis with the staff in the Knoxville office. I recommend both the cake and the gelato to you - if you are not trying to lose weight.

Over the next two weeks I will be getting around to each office, and expect to do so on a regular basis. I will also be seeing you at the retreat next week in Murfreesboro, so we will not be strangers.

There certainly are interesting challenges and good work ahead, and I know that I will enjoy working with you. I am always available to you, and look forward to working with, hearing from, and seeing you soon.


Steven T. Thompson
Executive Director
Municipal Technical Advisory Service
University of Tennessee
(865) 974-9856 Office
(865) 974-0423 Fax

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