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07/21/1998 Executive News

Executive News

This is a new format, but some of the news will be the same old stuff. Some will be new, however.

Travel - As you have already heard from Sally, the UT travel regulations will change August 1. You will need to close out your travel on July 31. As soon as we have more details on the rule change, we will pass it on.

Project Reporting - Please remember it is important to keep your project reporting up to date.

Training - We are entering a new relationship with CGT. We have agreed that CGT will conduct what we are calling "soft" or generic courses (the sort that are offered to both city and county officials, such as public speaking). MTAS will be responsible for the "hard" or technical courses such as budgeting and legal issues. This is an enormous change in the way we do training. I've asked MikeT to work with CGT on the redesign of UTMT that we all feel is necessary. The first step will be a series of focus group meetings with customers. Our goal is to have UTMT redesigned by the end of 1998. Along the way, we will also examine all the other types of training. MTAS will be more involved in retreats and will have sole responsibility for hot topic or current issues training. So, the new training consultant mentioned below is needed real soon.

Policies and Procedures Database - I have asked Jessica to locate all our written policies in a new database. Please let her know if you have any policies you would like to add.

MTAS Change Process - As I mentioned at our meeting last week, there are some parts of our recommendations that we will proceed with immediately and some parts that we will delay for three months while we work out the details or make changes. Here's what we are going to do soon.
  • Hire a word processing specialist to be shared with Codes and front desk duties.
  • Hire an office manager to replace Ann Lowe.
  • Develop the job description for the new position of Training Consultant. Since it is a new position, it will take longer to start recruiting for this position.
  • The IT design team (as you have heard from Rex) will start it's survey soon. Then, it will plan computer training opportunities.
  • I will start monthly meetings in Jackson, Nashville, and Knoxville. So far, we have only scheduled Nashville, but we'll get the rest scheduled soon.
  • Help Desk design team
  • The members are: JimF, Sid, Pat, Laura, and Carol.
  • They will start soon and have their recommendations by September 30.

    Please let me know if you have any questions.

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