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07/20/1994 Executive News

Executive News

July 20, 1994

* Telephone Surveys - We've enclosed the latest library telephone surveys.

TML Convention - Carol Hewlett says:
"It was a hit! The UT bicentennial pins were the hottest gift items, even more popular than the foot ball schedules. The most popular items by far were the MTAS publications. We brought back precious few and could have given away many more of several titles if we'd had the energy to load more boxes onto the van. Thanks go out to all the guys in Knoxville who helped me load the van, and all the library staff who helped me unload it. Watching us maneuver that roll of carpet down the sidewalk and through all those doors to get it back into the library was quite a sight!

We had nice "digs" this year, too. Neighboring exhibitors came by to take their shoes off and rest their toes on our lush carpet. Thanks go out to everyone who had a hand in making the booth a success including: Emily who gathered all the publications together to take; Ann Lowe who helped out on finishing touches like the flowers that made our booth so cozy; Sharon F. who is responsible for our nifty banner and rushed to get a couple of new pubs done to have on hand; and Sally who worked the booth several shifts. Armintha was, as always, instrumental in planning the exhibit and staffing it. Special thanks to Mike P., Randy, Pat (and Frankie), Mark, Bob and everyone else who helped with either the setup or breakdown of the booth and to all the MTAS consultants who came by to help staff the booth, also. Next year we're in Chattanooga. If you have any ideas for our exhibit or want to volunteer to work on planning it, let Bob know."

TML Fall District Meetings - Here's the proposed district meeting schedule.
Nashville, Friday, Nov. 4
Jackson, Wednesday, Nov. 9
Memphis, Thursday, Nov. 10
Tri-Cities, Monday, Nov. 14
Knoxville, Tuesday, Nov. 15
Chattanooga, Wednesday, Nov. 16
Henry Horton, Thursday, Nov. 17
Cookeville, Friday, Nov. 18.

Intern Seeks Work - Janie Reed has completed most of the projects I had for her. She is ready to help any consultant with any project anywhere. Please call her if you have a project that you think she could help you do.

Nashville Attorney Position - We are accelerating the recruitment schedule for replacing Leslie Shechter in Nashville. We're starting in July and hope to have someone in the position by the middle of October.

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