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07/19/1996 Executive News

Executive News

Sick Call Tommy Himes of CGT and now EMS is in Baptist Hospital. Beverly Erwin reports that: An angiogram was performed Monday. The bypass that was done about ten years ago is 100% blocked. He also has another blockage, but not as extensive. He is not a candidate for angioplasty, the stint or "roto-rooter" method. His doctor has recommended open-heart surgery. No decision has been made yet and No Visitors are permitted. We'll let you know more when we find out more.

Help Wanted We have re-opened the search for the replacement for Becky Crowder in Nashville. We came very close to finding someone the first time, but not close enough. This time, in an effort to attract more candidates, we are recruiting for a Senior Management Consultant with a minimum of ten years experience.

More Help Wanted Next week we will start recruiting for a Telecommunications Consultant. IPS has received a grant from the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) of about $500,000. A portion of the grant will fund a Telecommunications Consultant to work in the ARC region of the state (east of Nashville) to help cities and counties use the Internet to provide service to citizens. It is a joint MTAS/CTAS position and will be housed in the MTAS Knoxville office.

MTAS Goals 1996 Each team developed some team goals as part of the annul performance review process this year. Carol Hewlett has assembled all of these goals in to a single document and I've placed that in the Discussion - Current Issues Database on Notes. You'll find it under MTAS. It's an ambitious set of goals and some may well carry us in to 1997.

MTAS Advisory Committee We are going to have a sub committee meeting of the three MTAS advisory committees in Mount Juliet on August 27 and 28. I will ask all of you to help prepare information for this meeting. We want to report on the services we provide based on our current level of funding. We also want to explore what additional services we could provide at a higher level of funding. I will send my request for information on Tuesday.

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