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07/17/2018 Executive News

Executive News


Good Morning MTAS,

Well, it’s another work week ahead of us. What are you going to do that is excellent for your customers this week? Let me share with you what a couple of customers said recently about two of our team members’ excellent work: “She [Angie] was extremely helpful with a tough situation we have been having” and “I just wanted to tell you one more time how appreciative I am of you [Kay] & all your help in the past. You always make me look good. Sometimes people don't get the recognition they should receive & I just wanted to say that again.”


We ended last week on Friday the 13 th . Did any of you celebrate by watching horror movies all weekend? Last week saw more than just a superstitious day. You will recall that you received a letter from Dr. Byrd informing you of a salary increase for the next fiscal year. Thank you for the work that you did last year that merited this reward.

Also last week brought new life to the MTAS family. Yes, John Chlarson is a grandad! Congratulations to him on welcoming Joe Conrad Chlarson into this world on Sunday, July 8, at 7:29 AM. Joe weighed nine pounds and was 21 and ¼ inches long. John, we are so very happy for you and your family.

While I’m discussing births, please help me celebrate the birthday last Saturday of Kurt. Also, our newest employee, Joe Cosentini had a birthday July 2. Joe, I apologize for letting that slip past me last week. Another celebration last week was the one year work anniversary for Steve Cross. One down, LOTS more to come, right Steve?!

This leads to a good segue way to update you on some position vacancies. The search for a management consultant to fill David’s position has been suspended until January. The applicant pool was way too small (less than a handful) and we’re going to try some alternative recruitment efforts before we begin again. Thanks to Ronnie and Dana for agreeing to fill the gap in the interim. Athanasia Lewis had been serving as an interim consultant for us, but she landed a permanent job in Atoka. Another vacancy that your leadership team has been working to fill is Alana’s position. I’m happy to report that we’re very close to finishing our work on this position. Furthermore, we are in the works on getting the new positions (second police management consultant, training consultant for CMFO, and training & development consultant for the Memphis area) to market. The training job is furthest along, and the announcement is posted on the MTAS website. If you know anyone who is qualified, please help us recruit our future.

If you remember last week’s email, I told that you if you wanted to share a vacation picture with your colleagues, to please send them to me and I’d include them in the Mustard. The first photo I received will tie in with how I started this newsletter, with a scary movie. No, the vacation photo isn’t about Jason at Camp Crystal Lake, but it does involve water…. Rex went swimming/snorkeling with a bunch of nurse sharks. He said that there was no blood J .

I hope your week ahead doesn’t even slightly resemble a horror film. Instead, I wish you a “happily ever after” ending. Have a great one!



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