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07/15/2014 Executive News

Executive News

Fellow MTASers,

Well, if yesterday and today tell me anything, we all made it home safely from Gatlinburg and are “back at it” with a vengeance. But before it fades too far from memory, I have a few thoughts about last week’s conference.

I’m still pretty new when it comes to the number of the conferences I’ve attended, but of those few, this was the most relaxed one and, in certain ways, the most enjoyable for me. Thanks to Margaret for continuing to represent us on the IPS planning committee and thanks to Brad, Cyndy, Michelle, Steve and Armintha for planning Wednesday afternoon and Friday morning. Great job by all!

And to the award winners, both IPS and MTAS, another hearty congratulations!
· Doug and Michelle – MTAS Customer Service Award
· Jeff – MTAS Trailblazer Award
· Al – MTAS Hobday Award
· Dennis – IPS Horizon Award
· Lisa – IPS Five Franklins Award
· Sherri – IPS Beacon Award
· Doug – IPS Ballard Award
Also, thanks to last year’s MTAS awards winners who served on the MTAS awards committee – Dennis, Richard, Becky and Sandy.

Finally, know that there is at least one person in this world who recognizes, understands and greatly appreciates what each of you do every day for our customers – the customers that give reason to why we do what we do. Thanks for all that you do.

Jim Thomas, Executive Director
Municipal Technical Advisory Service (MTAS)
The University of Tennessee Institute for Public Service
Office (615) 532-4950 Cell (615) 972-9219

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