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07/14/2002 Executive News

Executive News

From June 27, 2002

I know we don't have a budget for next year yet but it's time to start worrying about closing out this fiscal year. I'm still in Nashville watching and waiting. I may be here until Sunday night.

In the meantime there are three things you need to do to help us close out the year.
  • Send in your travel reimbursement request (T-3) through the end of June by July 2.
  • Complete all your annual and sick leave forms by July 2.
  • Have all your project reporting completed for June by July 15.

    All of this presumes we will be open for business next week. If we should happen to close for the week, then you will need to get all your information in as soon as we return.

    At the moment, we do not know if we will be open Monday morning. We may not know until late Sunday night. As soon as I know something over the weekend, I'll make phone calls to everyone at home. As a fall back measure, you will need to check the news Monday morning. So far, we have no guidelines from UT about how we will handle a closing. We'll know more by Friday.

    Sorry for all the uncertainty. It may be that the Legislature will pass a revenue measure soon and solve the problems. We'll see.

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