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07/11/2011 Executive News

Executive News

In March we presented and discussed the MTAS budget for the new fiscal year, and with the adoption by the Board of Trustees we do have a budget and workplan to follow.

This policy document is important to each member of this organization. The attached memorandum contains the details of the MTAS agenda that we will be following for this year. We will be discussing this in our upcoming meetings, and you will see that there are ample opportunities for volunteers to lead components of this effort. As you read the attached please let me know if there is a particular aspect or issue that speaks to you.

The budget process of the University and the software and data systems that we use do not make this an easy document to develop. Even so, this is a critical piece in our efforts to openly communicate the issues of MTAS, and thanks to Dale Wolf and Gail White for their work to bring the data together. With this report you now have the budget components and policy issues to be addressed. If there is something more that you need, please contact Dale for additional data. Dale will also be continuing the monthly budget summaries for the team leaders and staff. And please contact me if you have questions or thoughts on the agenda or policy issues addressed in the budget memo.


Steven T. Thompson
Executive Director, Municipal Technical Advisory Service
University of Tennessee
600 Henley Street, Suite 120
Knoxville, TN 37996-4105
(865) 974-9856 Office
(865) 974-0423 Fax

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MTAS 2012 Budget.pdf
MTAS 2012 Budget.pdf

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