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07/11/2005 Executive News

Executive News

While reviewing all professional development requests this year, we (the management team and I ) decided we really should have a written policy to guide our decisions. Some years ago this was not an issue since we didn't have enough money to send anyone anywhere. Now that we are able to afford more professional development opportunities we wanted to share with you our decision making process. Also, we now have a UT policy that encourages 32 hours of professional development training each year.

We are going to record our professional development training in the project reporting database. The modifications have not been made in the database yet so please wait until you hear from Lisa that the database is ready. If you don't currently use the project reporting database, please contact Lisa or Justin for a short tutorial when you need to make your first professional development entry.


Travel Policy2.doc
Travel Policy2.doc

PS - this policy will impact some of the requests we received this year. I will be sending emails to those affected soon.

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