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07/11/1994 Executive News

Executive News

July 11, 1994

FINISHED!! - Ed has finished writing, Brenda Moss has finished typing, and SharonF has finished editing the monumental work: Local Government Public Works Standards and Specifications . It's over 350 pages of detail. It is clearly worth the effort everyone put into it. Congratulations to Ed and all the members of his team!

*TTAP - Bill Kervin has been promoted to Director of the Tennessee Transportation Assistance Program. Before coming to UT a couple of years ago, Bill was public works director for Athens.

Legislative Calendar - We've prepared a calendar to help us develop recommendations for changes in legislation in time for them to be considered by TML before the session is underway. The attorneys (all three we have left) met in June and discussed proposed legislative changes, technical corrections, and updates.

We'll get the results of their efforts to everyone soon. We've scheduled a video staff meeting on Monday, August 8. We will devote most of this meeting to proposed legislation.

Sid and the attorneys will work on the ideas to have draft legislation and a more detailed description of each idea ready to be submitted to the MTAS advisory committees in September. We will submit our recommendations to TML by the middle of September. That way the TML staff will have a chance to review the recommendations before the TML fall board meeting.

Meetings Schedule - Remember we have several video and regular meetings scheduled.

Monday, August 8 - video staff meeting, 9-11 eastern, 8-10 central.

Tuesday, September 13 - video staff meeting, 9-11 eastern, 8-10 central. I left this off my memo last week. It hasn't changed, we're still going to meet then.

The IPS retreat is October 6 & 7 in Gatlinburg and the Park Vista hotel. MTAS will meet at 6pm for a combined dinner and meeting on Wednesday, October 5 and for a meeting on Thursday morning, October 6 from 8am till 11am. (The IPS retreat starts at noon).

Tuesday, October 11 video staff meeting. This will be a joint training session with CTAS joining us on the network. 9-11 eastern, 8-10 central, Knoxville, Nashville and Jackson.

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