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07/09/2018 Executive News

Executive News


Good Monday afternoon MTAS,

I hope you are looking forward to a strong week. Last week we celebrated Independence Day, but did you also know that July 6 was National Fried Chicken day?

Last week was an odd work week with the holiday falling on Wednesday. Many of you took advantage of a long holiday weekend by taking time off before or after the holiday and a few of you enjoyed the whole week. If you’d like to share a vacation pic with the MTAS family, send one my way and I’ll post it in the Mustard.

REMINDER : At the MTAS retreat, we did not finish our work on measures (how do we prove we are doing excellent work?). It was the general consensus that we would continue that work the day after the IPS retreat. So, plan on staying in Knoxville on August 2 from 8:00 – 11:00 to complete what we’ve begun. Since the IPS agenda runs until the evening on August 1, you shouldn’t need to adjust your overnight stay. Breakfast will be included that morning for us (special arrangements for MTAS). For those employees in west TN, we should finish in time for you to be in your hometown in time for dinner. I am looking forward to learning your brilliant ideas that will propel us even further toward excellence.

I hope you enjoy the brevity of this weekly update!

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