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07/09/2003 Executive News

Executive News

IPS Retreat and MTAS meeting - We will have a short MTAS staff meeting just before the IPS retreat in September. Here are the dates: Wednesday, September 3 - 7:00 PM - MTAS dinner;
Thursday, September 4, 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM MTAS meeting (we will meet at the Gatlinburg city hall); noon - ?? IPS annual conference;
Friday, September 5, 8:00 AM - noon IPS annual conference.
All the meetings will be in Gatlinburg and IPS will take care of our room reservations. Becky is serving as the MTAS representative on the IPS retreat planning committee.

TML Board of Directors - Sometimes typing is not my strongest suit. Here's the latest corrected version showing Mayor Calvin Rockholt of Decatur as a member of the board (as he has been for months).
TML board of directors.doc
TML board of directors.doc

TML Calendar - Margaret Mahery and the TML staff are putting together an annual calendar. I'll distribute it when I get a copy, but in the meantime, here's the first entry - the TML policy committee meetings will be on October 9 in Nashville.

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