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07/05/2018 Executive News

Executive News


Happy New (Fiscal) Year MTAS!

Wow, a week in review for last week definitely includes the MTAS retreat. I really enjoyed seeing everyone together. I appreciate your work helping the leadership team craft just the right meaning for our values, and working toward getting the right measures in place. I’ve asked Tomi to explore getting space for us on August 2 after the IPS conference to finish what we began at our retreat. I loved the post-it note exercise and the cross connection activity. I have the broom from Chester Darden’s presentation and look forward to finding a way to mount it, so that we can be reminded that “If everyone would sweep their own front porch, the world would be a neater place.” I really appreciated his message, that tied in so well with Mo Silerva’s, that we control ourselves, not anyone else, and that it’s our choice how to deal with our own biases (known and unknown). Additionally, I’d just like to say how proud you made me when you welcomed Ms. Silvera to our retreat and into the IPS family. It’s been a long time since the IPS family has changed with an agency, and while change is hard, I believe you all made it easy for her at the retreat and will continue as you meet the rest of her agency at the IPS conference. Thank you.

Last week there was a work anniversary that I’d like your help in celebrating – Jeff hit his five year mark with MTAS on June 24. You’ll recall that Jeff has retired, but has been helping us out until we could get the position filled permanently. Now that Joe is on-board with us, Jeff is wrapping up a major project and once done, he’ll fully retire. Jeff, thanks for the five years, and for extending your time. Also, I am remiss in wishing Sarah a happy birthday that happened on June 13. Sarah, I apologize for not updating my records in time to wish you an appropriate happy birthday. We’re glad you’re here with us!

Only 26 days until we are together again. I know the IPS conference planning committee is working hard to put together a meaningful, educational, and fun experience. Brad is our representative. If you get a chance, please thank him for his work.

Have a terrific rest of your short work week.

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