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07/05/2005 Executive News

Executive News

Retirement - It's hard to believe but Debbie Howell is going to retire August 31. It's hard for me to believe because I thought only old people retired. Debbie started with CIS in 1982. Later, she joined Critical Care which became part of CGT. Then, she came to MTAS, returned to CGT, and finally returned to MTAS. We're glad she has been with MTAS twice in her career and we're all going to miss her come September.

Dedra Isom - Effective July 5, Dedra Isom joins our training team on a full time basis as Senior Secretary. She has been working with us temporarily from the UT temporary help pool for the last several weeks. Tuesday, it's official, and she becomes a full time MTAS staff member. Dedra has a degree from the Tennessee Technology Center in Knoxville and we're glad she accepted our offer.

Gary West - The paperwork is complete and we can announce that Gary West, Fire Chief in Gatlinburg will join MTAS as our second fire consultant on August 15. We've set him up in the MTAS email system. You can email him at Gary West/MTAS/UTK.

Photographers - Thanks to everyone for helping update our pictures for the IPS annual conference brochure. And, of course, we'll use them for other purposes. Yana coordinated the photographers - Jennifer, RickW, and Jessica. Some of us look better than others, but I don't think that has anything to do with our erstwhile photographers. Thanks.

Outside Consulting - IPS has asked that the following restatement of the IPS outside consulting policy be signed and attached to everyone's APR this year. Please attach it to yours. You could cut and paste the following or print this document.
IPS Consulting Policy review doc for APRs.doc
IPS Consulting Policy review doc for APRs.doc

IPS Consulting Policy

Outside consulting or training by IPS employees in the area of expertise for which they are employed is prohibited unless approved in advance. IPS employees may not provide consulting or training services to existing or potential IPS customers outside one's official capacity as a UT/IPS employee whether on annual leave, after work hours, or on weekends, unless explicit permission has been granted in writing by the agency executive director and/or the IPS Assistant Vice President. Appropriate disclosure through the university's conflict of interest policy also applies. Violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.

I acknowledge that I have read the above policy.



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