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06/30/2003 Executive News

Executive News

23E_50.gif Happy FY04 - Today is the last day of FY03. So, Happy New Fiscal Year! If you travel, you need to complete your T-3 today. And if you do Project Reporting, you need to close out all the entries for FY03 by Monday, July 7. Thanks.

Tax Cut - Here's what the Treasurer's office has to say about the new withholding tables. You also should get a copy of all this with your check stub today.
The Internal Revenue Service has issued new federal withholding tax schedules in compliance with the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003. These rates have been incorporated into the University’s payroll system and will be used to calculate the federal income tax withholding on all paychecks issued on or after June 30, 2003.   The withholding tables are retro active to May 30, 2003, therefore, the first payroll checks issued on or after June 30, 2003 will include a one time "previous retro amount" representing a tax adjustment for any payroll checks dated between May 30, 2003 and June 24, 2003.
So, we'll all get a little more take home pay, and it will be more on this month's check than it will be next month. If you have any questions, please call Nancy.

TML Board - The list of the TML board I sent last week still listed John Piper the former Mayor of Clarksville. I forgot to remove him from the list. This is a corrected listing of the board.
TML board of directors.doc
TML board of directors.doc

TML Conference - Thanks to
  • Jennifer, Kurt, Sally, Rick, Steve, Dennis, Rex, and Ray for the Elected Officials Academy courses Saturday and Sunday;
  • Armintha and Sandy for staffing the MTAS booth (with help from Mike putting it up and help from Rick, John, Gary, and Mike taking it down);
  • Ronnie, Gary, and Steve for help with speaker transportation to and from the airport;
  • Dennis for facilitating TMAA;
  • Gary for facilitating TCMA;
  • John for representing us at TCAPWA;
  • Sally for making a presentation about our training program to the MTAS advisory committee;
  • Ray, Rex, JimR, Rick, Steve, Dick, and Kurt for doing the MTAS roundtables; and
  • Kurt, Sally, and Jennifer for serving as the TML ad hoc audiovisual staff.
    Two additional points. I got the privilege of substituting for Margaret and taking the minutes for the annual meeting of Tennessee Women in Government (TWIG). AND, ask Armintha (or maybe Sandy) about their tour of Graceland.

    IPS awards - Please remember no one from MTAS will win an award at the IPS conference in September if we don't nominate anyone now. The deadline for nominations is next week - July 7. Here's a link to the nominations database. ===>

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