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06/29/2005 Executive News

Executive News

347 - It's official and has been for some time. Midtown is no longer a city. We now have a total of 347 cities.

!APR! - It's time to start your Annual Performance Review form. It needs to be finished by Friday, July 8. That's not much time, but it has taken some time to amend the IPS approved form. This year's form includes a table showing your data from 2005 and two previous years. In last week's Staff Update I mentioned you would have to complete your project reporting before starting your APR. We've made some improvements since then. Lisa has programmed a button for "POPULATE TABLE". This brings your data in from project reporting. You can populate your tables as often as you like, but you will need to remember to push this button as part of your last edit of your APR form.

This year we will continue our information center initiative. All consultants please copy the following paragraph as one of your initiatives:

As part of MTAS' continuing effort to enhance and expand the MTAS library into an electronic information center available to and useable by Tennessee cities and MTAS consultants, I will work to insure that our information center has a comprehensive collection of current and accurate electronic information by functional area. I will continue to partner with the Information Resources staff in defining information needs, providing electronic data, recommending sources for additional data, acquiring city-generated information, and regularly weeding existing information. This initiative will require a prioritization of my time and commitments and I will commit at least eight hours per month to this initiative as needed.

Here's a link to the database. Please contact Mike, Sharon, Lisa, or me if you have any questions.

T-3 - We're making progress on the modifications to our Notes T-3 database that will make it easier for Tess to key the data into IRIS so we can pay our travelers. We already enter most of the necessary data. There will be several additions. We're on schedule to have the new database available for use by July 15. Please do not use it in the interim. You will just have to rekey the data. Thanks.

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