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06/27/2011 Executive News

Executive News

IPS Staff,

Last week you received an e-mail from President Joe DiPietro regarding the 2 percent across-the-board salary increase for UT employees and this week the UT Board of Trustees approved the budget. Each campus and institute has developed a compensation plan that suits the particular entity.

After several years without increases, I’m extremely pleased to announce our plan for 2011- 2012. I truly appreciate your hard work and patience. We will be giving three types of salary increases – across-the-board, market/equity adjustments and merit adjustments.

· The 2% across-the-board increase is for everyone who had satisfactory performance last year ( at least a 3.0 out of 5.0 on the last annual performance review). The minimum increase will be $1,000; this will be pro-rated for part-time employees. This increase will appear in employees’ July paychecks.

· The market/equity adjustments are for staff members who are not at their target salary and who scored at least a 3.0 on the APR. These adjustments will appear in the August paychecks.

· The merit increase is available only to employees who scored greater than 3.0 on the annual performance review. These employees will see one of three tiers of increases based on their APR rating. For exempt employees the flat annualized amount will be $1,200, $2,400 or $3,600. For non-exempt employees the amount will be $600, $1,200 or $1,800. The average salary for non-exempt employees is about 39 percent of that for exempt employees, but the merit increase amount will be 50 percent. Merit increases will appear in August paychecks.

Each employee will receive a personal letter explaining your increase before the July paycheck is issued. If you have any questions about the increase after you receive your letter, please talk to your agency director.

I appreciate your commitment to our customers, your agency, IPS and the University of Tennessee.


Mary H. Jinks, Ed.D.
Vice President
Institute for Public Service
University of Tennessee
Suite 105 Student Services Bldg
Knoxville, TN 37996-0213

Improving the lives of Tennesseans by leveraging university expertise to meet community and workplace needs.

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