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06/26/2015 Executive News

Executive News

Fellow MTASers,

As we talked about last week, I’ve placed information about the MTAS part of the 2015 biannual IPS customer satisfaction survey on the MTAS share drive in the “Customer Satisfaction” folder

My suggestion is that you look at the MTAS CSS Summary first. In it are all the questions included in the survey. With the exception of questions 9, 14 and 15, all the responses are included in the summary. I continue being happy and proud of the fact that the average scores on the five basic questions asked in each survey showed improvement compared to the 2013 survey.

Be aware that only a sample of responses to questions 9, 14 and 15 are reported in the summary. Question 9 asks the respondent who they used for help when they didn’t use MTAS. Every response received to that question is listed in the Entities Other Than MTAS document. I listed every response received for questions 14 ( 10-year future problems ) and 15 ( General Comments About MTAS ). As you will see when you look at those documents, a bunch of folks took time to provide responses. I’m interested to hear from you what you got out of reading those many, many responses. Quite frankly, imbedded somewhere in all of them is something that I think we can use to help us plan our work into the future. I’m interested in what you think after reading all of them. By the way, I did absolutely no editing or proofreading of the responses recorded for those three questions. You will see them exactly as received.

Overall, our customers have a highly favorable opinion of what we do for them. That opinion is based on the work you do for them every day. Everybody in MTAS creates and affects customer satisfaction, regardless of what our day-to-day responsibilities are. I appreciate how your contribution has added to that favorable opinion.

Jim Thomas, Executive Director
UT Municipal Technical Advisory Service
(O) 615. 532.4950 (C) 615.972.9219

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