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06/26/1997 Executive News

Executive News

TMAA - We have passed the responsibility for TMAA from Mark to Pamela. She is located in Nashville and is closer to where most programs are held. This does not mean that Sid and Mark will not do anything to help. However, it does mean that Pamela has prime responsibilities for TMAA.

TCMA - After five years of serving as executive director, I asked Pat Hardy to transfer that responsibility to Kirk Bednar. Pat has done a great job by increasing the number of members, the attendance at the conferences, and improving the quality of the conferences.

Knoxville phone system - We are upgrading the phone system in the Knoxville office. We will have individual numbers and voice mail. All of this should be done by the middle of July. And all of us should figure out how to work it by the end of Summer.

IPS Awards - The deadline for nominations for the IPS awards is July 15. The forms are on the IPS home page. You can also make the nomination directly from the homepage using the Internet. I don't want to know who you nominate, but please let me know if you have submitted a nomination.

TML Convention - Many thanks to everyone who helped with the TML convention. It was one of the best I can remember. We had four booths that required continual staffing. In fact, everyone had several jobs to do. I'd like to list all the names, but the list would include everyone. But the helpers did include Angel Wright-Feldman who provided the VIP transportation for four of the speakers, sometimes until two in the morning. It included everyone who helped move the seven computers from the office to the convention center and back. The newly elected officials orientation on Saturday and Sunday, the special session for small cities on Monday, and the three round tables went extremely well.

Of course, we can always improve. If you have any suggestions to make the convention next year in Memphis better, please send your ideas to me.

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