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06/25/2016 Executive News

Executive News

· Should we be scared (or “scarred”) knowing that John Grubbs is in charge of producing MTAS’s spoof awards for presentation during the IPS Conference?

· Guns…well there continues to be a bunch of information being put out about them on campus and other UT property. Since last week, we’ve learned that UT employees in the Johnson City IPS office can’t carry because of a corporate rule of the landlord forbidding them in the corporate-owned buildings. In both the Memphis and Nashville IPS offices, neither landlord restricts or forbids weapons on their properties as long as compliance with all other laws is met. So, the picture is getting a little clearer, but I was advised that “final” guidance from UT will be received before July 1 st . Stay tuned.

· IPS Strategic Plan listening sessions…progress being made on getting us (employees) registered but much more work to be done with our stakeholders. More about this early next week.

· Workers Comp – thankfully, we experience very few workplace related injuries or illnesses (I hope I didn’t just jinx us), but there’s a process to follow when we do (I know you’re amazed). Attached is a one-pager flow chart that displays the process…and both I and my supervisor have very important roles to play…and if we drop the ball (hopefully not on our toe) and don’t report the injury within seven calendar days (First Notice of Loss…or FONL), then MTAS gets dinged with a hefty monetary penalty. Bottom line…call your supervisor AND (866) 245-8588 to report the injury as soon as practically possible to get instructions about tending to the injury. Be aware…bypassing the process and relying on thinking your personal medical insurance will take care of everything will result in an outcome you won’t really like. Questions? Check with your supervisor and I’ll be glad to help also.

· Yes, IPS executive directors are working against the clock to get FY2017 salary adjustments calculated and in the system for a July 1 st effective date. Couldn’t get started until late today (the UT Board had to approve the salary plan, which it did yesterday), but we’ll get it done.

· Lastly, remember a few things…
o What each of you do every day for our customers and each other is recognized and appreciated. Really! It is!
o “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” - Maya Angelou
o Slow time for birthdays and service anniversaries. None next week.
o In golf, what does a Stimpmeter measure?...and, no, “Stimps” is not the correct answer.

· I can’t tell you how happy I am that it’s late Friday afternoon. A comfortable weekend for all, I hope!

Jim Thomas, Executive Director
(O) 615. 532.4950 (C) 615.972.9219


Workers Comp FNOL Flow Chart.pdf
Workers Comp FNOL Flow Chart.pdf

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