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06/24/1994 Executive News

Executive News

June 24, 1994

* Telephone Surveys and Calendars - We've enclosed the latest library telephone surveys and the calendars for July and August.

Codes Breaks Record Early -Last year we produced 27 new codes. As of the end of May, Steve, Claudia, Tracy, Bobbie, Sandy and Jennifer have produced 30 codes. So in five months they have broken last year's record!! What will they do next?

Leave Forms - If you look at the calendar and realize that Judy has to have the leave forms submitted to IPS by the 5th of the month, you can appreciate why you need to get her all your forms in June as soon as possible. Annual leave should be submitted in advance and sick leave as soon as possible. With the July 4th holiday on Monday, we won't have much time to work on the report. Thanks.

MURTS - Andy Hoch-stetler, the intern working with Anne and SharonR on the 1994 Tennessee Water, Waste-water, and Garbage Rate Survey (MURTS), has been very successful in getting surveys returned. With your help, we are now up to 100%!! participation. Every city who should be included in the survey has returned its data.

TML Awards and Elections - These results were announced at the TML annual conference banquet on Tuesday, June 21.

Don Trotter, TML President (he's on the MTAS advisory committee)
Victor Ashe, VP
Charles Farmer, Jackson, VP
Margaret Pearson, Sparta, newly elected VP
Dan Speer, Pulaski "Mayor of the Year" (he's on the MTAS advisory committee)
Virginia Harvell "Stand by your Spouse award" (married to George - he's on the advisory committee).
Doug Bishop TCMA city manager of the year (he's on the MTAS advisory committee)

*Governor McWherter's Speech - We've enclosed the printed copy of the Governor's speech to TML at the luncheon on Tuesday. He pointed with pride to some of the statistical changes in Tennessee during his administration.

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