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06/18/1999 Executive News

Executive News

TML Board - I had one typo in the list I sent this morning. I listed Victor Ashe of Knoxville with the wrong city. Here is a copy of the correct version.

Staff Meetings - We have staff meetings scheduled in two weeks.
Knoxville - Monday, June 28, 10 AM
Jackson - Thursday, July 1, 10 AM
Nashville - Friday, July 2, 10 AM

Personnel Actions - We have completed the interviews for the management consultants in Jackson and Nashville and the public works consultant in Knoxville. We've made "offers" and are waiting for the paperwork and final approval from UT. We should have announcements about who we have hired in a couple of weeks.

We are receiving applications for the Manager of Information Resources to replace Carol Hewlett. We'll conduct those interviews early in August.

T-3 - Remember to close out your travel for June as soon as possible and send the form in to help with the end of the fiscal year.

THANKS - Thanks to everyone who helped with the TML convention. It wasn't as well attended as some in the past, but the program was better received and had more solid information. MTAS is taking a more active role in program planning and presentation and improvements will continue next year in Gatlinburg. I can't list everyone because everyone who attended did something - from booth duty and pushing Little Debbies, to ticket taking at the luncheon and banquet, to program presentation, to help with the MTAS advisory committee meeting. But I do want to single out Carole Graves for planning and producing the MTAS 50th anniversary reception. It was terrific!

A Day in the Life - Of a city, that is. As part of the MTAS 50th anniversary celebration, we plan for each of us to spend a day doing a job in a city. Doesn't matter what job, doesn't matter what city. I'm asking each staff member to pick a city and pick a job and do it for a day during the week of August 9 - 13. If you don't know of a job or a city, call on one of the management consultants; they'll find a place for you. We have talked about this program several times with members of the MTAS advisory committee, so you might want to call one of them first.
Advicommshort list.wpd
Advicommshort list.wpd
I'm asking SharonM to keep track of who is going where, so please email her when you've found a place. Good luck. PS to Warren - I'm not sure that a day at the Sevierville municipal golf course counts!

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