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06/17/2004 Executive News

Executive News

Annual Performance Reviews

It's taken a little longer than we thought but the revised annual performance review forms are ready. Here's the link to the database.

The last time we did this was for calendar year 2002. We are converting to a fiscal year for our APRs, so the one you need to fill out is labeled 2004 and it's for the period January 2003 - June 2004. In a year we will fill out one labeled 2005 for the period July 2004 - June 2005.

The nonexempt forms have not changed much.

The exempt forms have several changes. We've copied your city, initiative, and publication work plans from the work plan for 2003. We have also included your professional development plan for both 2003 and 2004. PLEASE NOTE: The only way to amend your 2004 professional development plan is in the professional development database.

Since we're a little late having the forms ready we'll make a change to the due date. The APR schedule is:

Wednesday 7/7 Everyone needs to have their APR form completed.
7/19 - 7/23 Sharon and Mike will conduct the Jackson and Nashville APR interviews.
7/26 - 7/30 Sharon and Mike will conduct the Knoxville APR interviews.
Friday 7/30 All other APR interviews will be completed by the end of July.
Tuesday 8/10 We'll need a complete and signed copy of all APR forms in Knoxville so we can submit them to IPS and UT Human Resources.

As you complete your APR form, please send an email to your supervisor. This will give your supervisor a chance to enter his or her comments before your APR interview.


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