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06/17/2003 Executive News

Executive News

Annual Performance Review Schedule - You may wonder why I'm talking about APRs in June. We usually do the annual performance reviews for a calendar year and do the interviews in February. We're changing to a fiscal year basis. But instead of doing two in one year, we're stretching the next APRs to cover 18 months and we'll schedule the interviews in July 2004.

Close-out of FY03 - The fiscal year is almost over. If you travel, remember to complete your next T-3 through Monday, June 30 and get the form to Ann by Thursday, July 3. Thanks.

Project Reporting Close-out - Since we prepare all reports on a fiscal year basis, we need to pay attention to the close of FY03. We're going to count and track projects by the date they are closed, so closing by the end of the fiscal year is important. Please:
  • Make sure you have entered all your projects and time up through June 30, 2003.
  • Review all your open projects and close all projects that are completed as of June 30, 2003.
  • Close out all your internal administrative projects for FY03, with a closing date of 06/30/03. This includes: All cities - publications (if you're done with the publication); All cities - training (if you're done with the training); IPS; and MTAS.

    Additions to - Frances has added the following resources to the MTAS website:
  • Link to the Collierville Code of Ordinances on their website
  • New e-journal: “Reusable News” (EPA) “Appalachia Magazine” (ARC), National Civic League newsletters and journals, journals from MTSU BERC and UTK CBER
  • Moved “E-Magazines and Newsletters” listing to the “Information Resources” page
  • Notice regarding TML 2003 annual conference
  • New pubs: Municipal Court Manual (Barton and Ashburn), Fire and Police Depts. Responsible for Negligent Response (Hemsley), Municipal and Personal Liability Under Tennessee Governmental Tort Liability Act (Neill), TVA Set to Increase Wholesale Power Rates to Distributors (Young), U.S. Communities Government Purchasing Alliance: A Money-Saving Purchasing Source Available to Tennessee Cities (Finane)
  • Links to 2 articles from “Nonpoint Source New-Notes” : “Implementing the Phase II Storm water rule—One City’s Experience” and “Do Stormwater Retention Ponds Contribute to Mosquito Problems?”
  • Another article on mosquito control in Oak Ridge – link to Oak Ridge Public Works Dept. web page
  • Added list of videos available in MTAS Library on wastewater to “Wastewater Resources” page
  • Completely reorganized the wastewater, drinking water and utility management pages to be better organized and added new information
  • Notices of meetings: Tennessee Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control Training and Certification Program, Tennessee MS4 Working Group Meeting -- June 24, 2003, Environmental Education for Phase II Storm Water Managers -- Course offered beginning June 30, 2003
  • City U course on “Dealing with Difficult Behaviors”

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