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06/17/2002 Executive News

Executive News

Library Subject Area Contact System
Frances and the library staff are continuing to work to make the library more useful to consultants. Here is a progress report along with a new tactic we will try.

MTAS Library Subject Area Contact System

To make the MTAS Library the most useful for consultants and city officials, the library has been evaluating its materials over the last two years. The first step was to weed the book and vertical file collections. We finished that in 2000. The second step was to create a collection building policy. This policy was approved in 2001 by the Management Team. (Read at:

The third step was to assign subject specialty areas to each Library staff member. We completed this step in December 2001.

What do we hope to accomplish? That each library staff member will become "conversationally competent" in each of their selected subject areas and that for each subject area we will have a consultant contact.

This is where YOU come in! As the consultant contact, you might be asked to evaluate journals or books in your subject area. You might assist in making decisions on which materials to keep and purchase. Also, you could notify us of hot topics for library purchases and what needs to be put on the website in your subject area. When we call on you, we will make every effort to use your time efficiently and to be brief!

Subject areas and key staff (so far) are:

Becky: Public works, Utilities, Parks and Recreation
Becky will work with John Chlarson, Brett Ward, Warren Nevad

Jim: Municipal Management, Legal, Finance/Accounting, Telecommunications
Jim will work with the attorneys and Ralph Cross

Leah: Personnel, Fire, Police, Internet/e-government
Leah will work with Rick Stokes, Ray Crouch, Rex Barton

Frances: GIS, Growth management, Public information
Frances will work with Roy Eckert, Carole Graves (TML)

Our first project that we will need your help with is reviewing some of the magazines in the library. At present, we are determining which titles should be kept, updating the routing lists, and if there are better publications available. We need our consultant contact’s input in order to make the most informed decisions.

We very much appreciate all of the help and support that each of you gives to the library! This cooperative process will make the library an even more valuable resource to you and the Tennessee city officials that we serve!

Thank you,
Frances and the library staff

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