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06/13/2005 Executive News

Executive News

Training Administrator - We are finished with all the interviews and almost done with all the paperwork to fill this position. Ms. Izetta Slade will be our new training administrator. Izetta is director of the UT office for Employee and Organizational Development. Since she currently works for UT, we haven't picked a final date of transfer but it will be either July 18 or July 25. Izetta has been involved with training for over 30 years. Her experience includes UT, Texas A&M, and the University of Maryland along with several other organizations. She has personal experience as a trainer, mediator, and with strategic planning. As the training administrator she will be a member of the management team. The training team, including: Yana, Kurt, Jim, and Sally, will report to her. We look forward to welcoming Izetta to MTAS.

TML - We are in the middle of the TML conference. It's over Tuesday. The Elected Officials Academy on Saturday and Sunday was the best attended ever. Hank Dye, our new VP of government and public relations spoke to the TML board at its meeting Saturday afternoon. We'll have more on the conference when it's over.

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